
THE ART OF THE PIANO, Volume 1 (Solo Piano Recording)

SKU: taotp1-1



Lorenz Publishing
99/2661L, Solo Piano CD, $16.99
Date released: 2009

The Art of the Piano is the companion recording for first book in a new series of high-caliber and advanced piano solos that will amaze you with their artistry and variety. Some have a distinct classical personality, some contain jazz idioms and lush harmonies. Feel the drama and spirit of these arrangements as you listen.

Song List

  1. All Creatures of Our God and King
  2. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
  3. And Can It Be
  4. Battle Hymn of the Republic
  5. Come, Christians, Join to Sing
  6. Go Down, Moses
  7. Jesus Is All the World to Me
  8. Morning Has Broken
  9. My Jesus, I Love Thee




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