Fred Bock Music CompanyBG2274 Hal Leonard08738312 SATB with children’s voices, $2.25 This anthem begins with a bold, declamatory statement set in a minor mode. This is followed by the first statement of the theme by the children’s choir which is a hauntingly beautiful melody, easily sung by children and adults alike. The SATB choir joins and expands on the initial theme and brings the anthem to a moving, yet quiet end with the children’s choir. Based on the well-known passage from Isaiah 40, we hear the promise that we will not grow faint or weary, but rise up on wings as eagles if we wait on the Lord.
Instrumentation $ 50.00Fred Bock Music BG2274B;or Hal Leonard HL087384932 Tpts, 2 Tbns, Tuba, Handbells (5 octaves)