

Majestic and powerful, this original by Mark Hayes perfectly reflects the text based on scripture from Ephesians I that emphasizes Christ’s power and supremacy.


Lindsborg Press
797242195792, SATB, $4.25
Date released: 2002
Contact: J. W. Pepper, Product #10162164

Majestic and powerful, this original by Mark Hayes perfectly reflects the text based on scripture from Ephesians I that emphasizes Christ’s power and supremacy. Constructed almost like a rondo with the recurring portion being the refrain, it has several unique sections. It opens with a gentle chorale that has 4- and 5-part harmony and then moves suddenly into a faster, more dramatic and rhythmic section that leads to the stately refrain. The next section has the men echoing the ladies on descending chromatic fifths, creating a delightful effect above a staccato accompaniment. After the next refrain, Hayes masterfully builds excitement to the end as the basses present a new, more contemporary, melodic motive, followed by staggered entrances of the tenors, harmony on the words, “Jesus Christ is far above all.” 6- to 8-part divisi, the need for vocal independence, and the extended length make this a challenging anthem, but it is well worth the effort to prepare and would be excellent as a concert finale for an experienced church choir or a combined festival choir.







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